For every potential customer that walks past your Storefront a day you're losing money. If you're thinking just how much we've came up with a few examples and our "Cost Calculator" to help you see exactly what that could look like.
If you haven't yet reviewed our Benefits page to get the full understanding of how we came up with these calculations feel free to check it out!
In the meantime here are some examples of different types of retail locations scenarios:
Fast Food (Pizzeria, Deli, Etc..)
Your average Sale Per Customer is: $10.00
And you lose out on (1) Customer per day
Every day for 1 Month (30 Days)
You could be losing out on up to: $300
And you lose out on (1) Customer per day
Every day for 1 Month (30 Days)
You could be losing out on up to: $300
Your average Sale Per Customer is: $25.00
And you lose out on (1) Customer per day
Every day for 1 Month (30 Days)
You could be losing out on up to: $750.00
And you lose out on (1) Customer per day
Every day for 1 Month (30 Days)
You could be losing out on up to: $750.00
Hair / Nail Salon
Your average Sale Per Customer is: $50.00
And you lose out on (1) Customer per day
Every day for 1 Month (30 Days)
You could be losing out on up to: $1500.00
And you lose out on (1) Customer per day
Every day for 1 Month (30 Days)
You could be losing out on up to: $1500.00
Now that you get the point give it a try on your own to get a more accurate assessment!
Assuming you lose (x) amount of customers per day